Orgone energy is the life force that Reich believed to be omnipresent in the universe. Through the theory of orgone, Reich describes it as a subtle and primal energy that flows through all living and inanimate matter. Reich proposed that can manifest in two main forms: positive orgone energy (POR), associated with vitality and health, and negative (DOR), linked to decay and disease.
The composition of orgone remains a subject of debate and speculation. Wilhelm Reich proposed that this energy is the fundamental component of the universe, and even claimed it to be blue in color. With some substances acting as accumulators and generators, its precise nature and properties remain difficult to identify and understand. Some theories suggest that may be related to electromagnetic radiation, while others propose a more metaphysical interpretation involving subtle energy fields.

The same applies to accumulators and generators, devices developed by Reich to channel orgone energy and use it for healing and therapeutic purposes, which in more conventional scientific circles have often been dismissed as scams and even persecuted by regulatory authorities as was the case in the 1950s with the FDA.
Despite the criticisms and concerns of some governmental bodies, there is also no empirical evidence to demonstrate that orgone therapies pose any danger to patients, nor that orgone energy poses a threat to users.
On the contrary, as a proof, there are numerous testimonies attesting to improvements in quality of life, and especially in psychological health (reduced stress, anxiety, improved mood, better sleep quality, emotional balance, etc.), when undergoing orgone therapies, or using accumulators and generators continuously, such as pyramids, pendants, and even orgone-infused products.

Therefore, with some caveats, orgone energy could be considered a kind of “dark energy,” since, like dark energy, despite indirectly evidencing its effects on galaxy movements and the expansion of the universe, its nature and composition have not been established.
Orgone therapy, also known as orgonomy, is a technique based on applying Wilhelm Reich’s studies on orgone energy to attempt to balance psychic and emotional ailments within the body. There are several methods of application, with orgone accumulator therapy and bioenergetic analysis being the most common, although in some cases orgone-charged massages can also be applied. The accumulators are chambers constructed with alternating layers of organic and inorganic material, designed to expose the body to a large accumulation of the energy. Bioenergetic analysis, on the other hand, focuses on the interconnection between emotional expression and bodily sensations, aiming to release muscle tension and restore energy balance.
According to Reich’s Segmental Armor Theory, the human body has seven segments that act as armor and hinder the proper flow of energy throughout the body. Orgone therapies will focus on overcoming these blockages and facilitating the correct circulation of the energy throughout the body.
As mentioned earlier, the main technique involves the use of orgone accumulation chambers. They are typically constructed with inner layers made of organic materials such as wood or cotton, alternated with outer layers made of metallic materials such as steel wool or aluminum foil. Copper, which could also be used in the construction of these boxes, is not usually employed due to its higher cost. The alternating arrangement of layers creates a polarized environment that attracts and traps orgone energy similar to how a capacitor stores electrical energy.
The procedure involves the person lying down or sitting inside the chamber, remaining inside for sessions that can range from thirty minutes to an hour. During these treatments, the person absorbs the excess orgone energy accumulated inside the chamber, increasing the flow circulating through their body, and helping to alleviate tensions, improve emotional health, and mental balance. Typically, sessions are repeated over several days.

The most well-known case of the use of one of these devices was that of singer Kurt Cobain, who visited novelist William Burroughs on October 21, 1993, and used the chamber Burroughs had in Lawrence, Kansas.
Bioenergetic analysis was developed by Alexander Lowen. This scientist trained with Wilhelm Reich from 1940 until 1952. The aim of this therapy is to release the body’s energy blocks in order to achieve a better flow of orgone energy and assist in overall emotional health improvement. To achieve this, the patient is guided by the therapist through a series of physical exercises aimed at relaxing accumulated tensions in the muscles and making them aware of bodily sensations and emotional experiences. These exercises include deep breathing, stretching, and expressive movements. One of the most important exercises is “grounding,” which involves stomping, lying on the ground, or shaking the body to promote relaxation and connection with the Earth’s orgone energy. Bioenergetic analysis also places a lot of emphasis on the expression of emotions, encouraging participants to overcome their emotional blocks.

Scientific research on these therapies has been limited and controversial, spanning several decades and involving various individuals and institutions. While general scientific acceptance has been difficult to achieve, several researchers and organizations have explored their potential associated benefits. Below are some studies conducted over the years.
Wilhelm Reich conducted extensive research on orgone energy and its applications between the 1930s and 1950s. His experiments ranged from observing the effects of accumulators on cancer patients to studying the influence of orgone energy on atmospheric phenomena. Beyond their controversial results, these early studies laid the groundwork for those that would come in later years in orgone therapy and bioenergetics.
Dr. Asbjorn Dyrendal and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments at the University of Oslo. These experiments aimed to investigate the effects of orgone accumulators on various biological systems, including plants and microorganisms. While the results were inconclusive, they contributed to ongoing discussions about the nature of this energy and its potential applications.

James DeMeo, researcher and author, has conducted extensive research on orgone energy and its effects on human physiology. In the 1970s and 1980s, DeMeo conducted experiments using the accumulator chambers to measure changes in body temperature, skin conductance, and other physiological parameters. While her research suggested potential therapeutic benefits, including relaxation and stress reduction, it has been criticized for methodological limitations and lack of replication.
Despite being applied for decades, bioenergetic therapy has not been studied empirically until a few years ago. Around the year 2000, Gudat published a post-treatment study on about 300 patients in which he showed an improvement in their previous pathologies and concluded that this type of therapy could be used in a large number of mental disorders. In 2008, Levin and Mead published the case of three patients who had been monitored for two years, observing evident improvements in their psychological and physical symptoms. Previously, In 1998, Italy was the first to recognize bioenergetic therapy by law, and since then, the European Association for Psychotherapy in 2004, and the Swiss Federal Council in 2011 have established recognitions. In the case of the European organization, this recognition has also been renewed twice.
Despite the difficulties and skepticism of a large part of the most conservative scientific community, there is still concern about studying the potential of orgone energy, and its associated medical therapies. Future studies will go along the lines of carrying out rigorous clinical trials and promoting collaboration between interdisciplinary scientists.