Find here the best selection of Epoxy Resin for Orgonites!. Give your orgonites a perfect finish and absolute transparency thanks to this eco-friendly resin. Check our articles section for more information on how to build your orgonite!

Epoxy resin for orgonites and craft in general, is an excellent option compared to other types of resins such as polyester. Although it is true that it is more expensive, its advantages are multiple. First of all, its vapors are not as toxic as those of other resins. Once cured, it does not release any type of volatiles as happens with polyester. On the other hand, it resists cold/heat and night/day cycles much better than polyester resin, which means that your orgonite will not crack, nor will cracks appear. It does not yellow under UV rays, very important if you are going to place your orgonite in the garden. Moreover, it has excellent chemical stability, which protects it from accidental damage caused by chemicals such as phosphoric acid, bleach, or other kind of strong hard cleaners. And finally, although it is normally two-component, is quite simple to use. It is therefore the most correct and most used choice today in DIY Orgonites.
Normally this type of resins are two-component, made up of the resin and a hardener. The first thing you should do is work with gloves, a mask, and safety glasses to avoid splashes. Next, you must mix the two components in the proportion indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions and proceed to fill. The resin hardens within a few hours and offers maximum curing after approximately one day. Ultimately, this type of high-quality resin will satisfy your needs and avoid problems in the process of creating your Orgonite.