Find a wide variety of aluminium shavings for sale here!. Take advantage of an extremely versatile metal, with excellent conductivity at a truly affordable price. Consult the chart of conductivities of different metals here before deciding on one of them.

Aluminum is a metal with one of the highest conductivities that exists. While it is not on par with silver or copper, it also offers excellent values reaching 37.7 m/Ohm-mm2 at 20 degrees Celsius. This value, for example, is almost 150% higher than that of iron. Conductivity is related to the resistance that the material offers to the circulation of electric current. The higher the conductivity of a metal, the better it will also accumulate orgone energy. At a cost level, aluminum is a cheaper metal than copper, so, in the making of an orgonite, it can be an important asset when you want to compete on price. Finally, aluminum is a light metal. Although this point does not make a difference for this type of application, it can be of great help in the handling of significant quantities of this material.
The way to use aluminium metal shavings is the same as other metal shavings. It consists of applying it alternately in layers of metal-orgonite crystal or using it as a base on which the crystals will rest. By combining this metal with others of different colors such as copper, you can obtain beautiful effects that in turn are combined with the different shades of the healing crystals. It is important that you always work with gloves and a mask to avoid metal inhalations.