Find a wide variety of orgone rings here. Live a normal life while directly receiving the benefits of healing crystals on your hands. Consult the properties chart before deciding on one model or another.

The name says it all. An orgone ring is a ring designed to receive the benefits of orgone energy while you wear it. Normally, given their small size, they only include a single healing crystal on a mount. The mounts can be made of copper, sometimes silver alloyed with copper, or even gold-plated copper. The great advantage of these orgonites is that contact with the organism is daily and permanent. The great disadvantage is that its small size does not allow for combinations of crystals, nor does it contain the typical elements of an orgonite such as the resin matrix or metal shavings. Technically they are more like single healing crystals than orgonites in their complete form. Since they generally only contain one healing crystal, it is very important to make a good choice based on the benefit you want to obtain. Of course, any limitations are offset by the beauty of the rings, some of which are the most spectacular example of orgone jewelry.
In the same way as any ring, placed on the finger. Its direct contact with the skin and fingers causes the orgone energy to flow very directly to the extremities. On the other hand, the contact is continuous, since the user normally sleeps with the ring and even showers with the ring.